Youth Sports

Have you ever wondered why we take on certain projects or why we're passionate about some things more so than others? For me, it's simple. Personal experience.

A year ago, we couldn't afford to have the boys play baseball. We have 3 boys. We had back to school clothes to worry about, school supplies alone were 300.00, and then trying to come up with an additional 700.00 to sign the boys up for baseball... it just wasn't in the cards that season. We didn't say anything to anyone, and we hadn't even figure out how to tell the boys yet. We just knew we couldn't play.

One day, after realizing that he didn't see my boys at assessments, one of the other coaches called me. We talked for a while, I explained the situation, we hung up, and we both went back to doing whatever it was we were doing that day. Later on, he called back. This time to tell me that he was going to cover the cost of registrations for us. 700.00, out of his own pocket, to make sure I didn't have to tell my boys they couldn't play that season. I lost it.

Fast forward a year later.

We didn't talk about it much on the page and we didn't raise funds specifically for it but...we we're finally able to pay it forward. With donations made to our general fund, and in partnership Lake Travis Youth Association (LTYA), we have been able to give countless kids the opportunity to play youth sports by covering the cost of registrations, equipment, uniforms, and more.