Back-to-School Clothes

Back-to-school time comes with a lot of added expenses for families: school supplies, backpacks, new school clothes, shoes, haircuts, school lunches, etc. It's a lot, and it can be overwhelming… for anyone. Even worse, they all hit at once. For many families that are just getting by, Back-to-School time is a stressful time of year. There are just too many extras that they don’t have the budget for. That’s where we come in.

Thanks to our Back-to-School initiative, families no longer have to make those tough decisions and tell their kids they aren’t getting new clothes this year. Each year, we are able to help countless families with Back-to-School clothes and shoes, backpacks, and school lunch accounts.

Our hope is to not only ease the financial burden that Back-to-School time brings for these families but also provide a little bit of normalcy for the students and help ensure they can confidently walk into school that first day of school with all the tools they need to succeed.